
Upcoming Retreats:

When: September 14 -17, 2022

Where: Will be Announced soon!

Price: $3333

We are working on creating an adventure that will allow you to step into a completely new energy and break through the limits of what you currently feel is possible.

 Is your soul calling you to have the courage to say yes to this next part of your journey? To take time away to turn in and tune in to hear your body’s inner wisdom? Because it knows your path. Your mind is likely telling you all the reasons you shouldn’t or can’t do this - the fears, the guilt, the feelings of doubt and overwhelm - BUT deep inside your soul knows you are ready. You were made for more. You were made for this. Sometimes it takes being brave and making yourself a priority.

 It's your time ... 

To listen to your body’s natural wisdom. 

 To draw upon your inherent gifts and superpowers. 

To take the next step, or leap, on your path. 

 To trust. 

To surrender.

Do you have questions about the Retreat?

Schedule a quick chat to explore if the Retreat might be right for you

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